“The experience on Free Tarot Readings has been absolutely invaluable. I can definitely say that I would not be reading professionally if I hadn’t had that experience and feedback. Biddy Tarot has without a doubt been the most influential source for my tarot reading journey.”
“The most influential source for my tarot reading journey”
“You feel the support there at all times!”
“With Biddy Tarot, I feel I gain more understanding about Tarot every day. I feel quite confident now doing a reading and have had some very positive feedback. Biddy Tarot is inspiring, and everyone concerned is so very helpful and caring; you feel the support there at all times.”
Jackie Brierley
“Brigit makes the cards easy to understand while maintaining the richness of their meaning. I couldn’t think of anyone more qualified to teach Tarot!“
“Biddy Tarot has guided my exploration of my deeper life’s purpose by offering me a reliable and relevant-to-me place to expand my understanding of Tarot, and – in turn – my own journey.”
“Brigit makes the cards easy to understand while maintaining the richness of their meaning. I couldn’t think of anyone more qualified to teach Tarot!“
“Biddy Tarot has guided my exploration of my deeper life’s purpose by offering me a reliable and relevant-to-me place to expand my understanding of Tarot, and – in turn – my own journey.”
“Brigit makes the cards easy to understand while maintaining the richness of their meaning. I couldn’t think of anyone more qualified to teach Tarot!“
“Brigit makes the cards easy to understand while maintaining the richness of their meaning. I couldn’t think of anyone more qualified to teach Tarot!“
“Biddy Tarot has guided my exploration of my deeper life’s purpose by offering me a reliable and relevant-to-me place to expand my understanding of Tarot, and – in turn – my own journey.”