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Then, when you look up the card meaning, are you left with more questions than answers?


Should I pull another card?
Rephrase my question?
Give up completely?

I know how frustrating it can be when the ONE thing you’re counting on for clarity brings you confusion.

What if I told you that you could find insightful answers to your most pressing questions, fast?

Answers pointing you toward the exact path to help you move forward…

All in less than one minute?

Introducing my ALL-NEW Digital Book…

You don’t have to be a Tarot reader to get clarity in your readings.

All you need is YOU, your deck… and this guide.

Inside, you’ll discover…

  • Tarot card meanings to answer life’s key questions
  • Quick and powerful questions to ask the Tarot for best results
  • Easy Tarot spreads that provide deeper insights into your daily life
This book is your reference guide for life’s biggest questions about career, love, spirituality, and personal well-being.

Meet The Author

Brigit Esselmont is the founder of Biddy Tarot, a best-selling author, and an intuitive business coach.

In the world of Tarot, she is seen by many as an innovative leader and top expert. She’s been a professional Tarot card reader for 25+ years, reading for over 10,000 clients worldwide.

When it comes to finding answers in the cards, Brigit is the best guide you can have. She has led hundreds of thousands of people to discover the power of Tarot and intuitive living with her books, courses, and events.

Brigit makes Tarot a simple and fun part of everyday life.

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Meet The Author

Brigit Esselmont is the founder of Biddy Tarot, a best-selling author, and an intuitive business coach.

In the world of Tarot, she is seen by many as an innovative leader and top expert. She’s been a professional Tarot card reader for 25+ years, reading for over 10,000 clients worldwide.

When it comes to finding answers in the cards, Brigit is the best guide you can have. She has led hundreds of thousands of people to discover the power of Tarot and intuitive living with her books, courses, and events.

Brigit makes Tarot a simple and fun part of everyday life.

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About Biddy Tarot

Biddy Tarot is the world leader in online Tarot education, dedicated to making Tarot and intuition accessible to all. Founded by Brigit Esselmont in 1999, Biddy Tarot is supported by 30+ dedicated global team members focused on serving & supporting Tarot Readers to reach their highest potential.

With over million online visitors each year and a highly-engaged private online community, Biddy Tarot is paving the way for Tarot to be part of everyday life. Home of the renowned Biddy Tarot Advisor Certification Program, where graduates enter the world with powerful tools for self-discovery and personal transformation.

Biddy Tarot is dedicated to supporting diversity and inclusion and supports the One Girl Foundation, providing educational resources to young women in Sierra Leone.

I can teach you how to create an online business that is aligned with your life’s greater purpose AND makes enough money to support your lifestyle. 

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Finally, there’s a better way to learn to read tarot

What if you could learn to read Tarot with ease? What if you could use everything you learn immediately for a positive impact on your life?

Imagine the thrill of looking at a card (or even a full Tarot spread) and instantly understanding the message it has for you.

Or facing a difficult decision and confidently picking up your Tarot cards for the clarity you need. It’s like having your own spiritual advisor ‘on tap’. You can consult the Tarot (and your intuition) any time. You don’t even have to make an appointment!

Everything you need is already within you – you simply need the key to access it.

(Spoiler Alert: The Tarot is the key.)